Lymphatic Massage: The Fountain of Youth


Lymphatic massage is a type of bodywork that helps to promote the health and function of your lymphatic system. The lymphatic drainage massage North Sydney is an integral part of your immune system and has many important functions in keeping you healthy, including detoxification, waste removal, and nutrient transport. Lymphatic massage has been shown to help with many ailments such as allergies, headaches, sinusitis and breast swelling during menopause. However, it’s important to understand what you can expect when going for one so that your expectations are met!

What is lymphatic massage?

Lymphatic massage is a simple, gentle form of bodywork that may help maintain health, improve energy levels and reduce stress. The lymphatic system is one of the body’s major drainage systems—a network of vessels, ducts and nodes that carry fluid away from the tissues back to the heart.

When we talk about “drainage” in terms of massage therapy it generally refers to a procedure performed on a client who has been lying prone for at least 20 minutes. The purpose of drainage is to move stagnant lymph fluid through your lymph nodes so that cellular waste products can be removed from your body through urination or sweating.

Lymphatic massage can be beneficial for anyone experiencing chronic pain or swelling caused by poor circulation. It also helps improve immune function by improving lymphatic flow throughout your body

The importance of the lymphatic system in general health and wellness.

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system. The human body consists of 2 main types of blood vessels, arteries and veins. Arteries are used to transport blood away from the heart and veins are used to return it back to the heart. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that transports fluid and cells through your body with the help of your heart.

The lymphatic system helps filter and remove waste products from your body which helps maintain a healthy immune system in order for you to fight off infections naturally without taking medications or antibiotics every day!

What can lymphatic massage help with?

There are many benefits to lymphatic massage for the body.

  • Weight loss – A healthy lymphatic system can help you lose weight and keep it off. Having a balanced immune system helps prevent illness, which in turn allows you to exercise more regularly, leading to weight loss.
  • Detoxification – Your lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins from your body through its filtration process. When this process is slowed down or blocked by inflammation, it causes problems like headaches and digestive issues that don’t feel good at all!
  • Cellulite reduction – Lymphatic drainage helps break down fat cells that cause cellulite so they can be easily flushed out of the body. This means smoother skin and no more lumpy thighs!
  • Improved sleep – The lymphatic system works throughout the day but also during sleep—so if there’s congestion anywhere in your body (i.e., sinusitis), it can affect how well you’re able to sleep at night because of pain or discomfort during slumber hours.”

How does lymphatic massage work?

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes that work together to remove waste from the body. It’s often referred to as the “garbage collector” of your body, because it helps remove toxins from your cells.

When you do lymphatic drainage massage, we use our hands to stimulate both superficial and deep layers of muscle tissue. By compressing the flow of lymph fluid through these pathways, we can promote healthy detoxification in our bodies—and it’s possible that this could help improve health issues like acne, cellulite or sinusitis.

Who shouldn’t get a lymphatic massage?

If you have a medical condition, or are taking certain medications, your massage therapist should advise you on whether lymphatic massage is appropriate for you. The following conditions may result in an increased risk of complications during a lymphatic massage:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Cancer (cancer treatment)

If any of the following apply to you, ask your doctor if it’s okay to get a lymphatic massage:

  • Pregnancy—Lymph drainage increases circulation and nutrient flow throughout the body. For this reason, it’s typically not recommended during pregnancy. If a woman has had her appendix removed recently or recently suffered from appendicitis symptoms (including vomiting), she should wait until six weeks after recovery before getting lymphatic drainage done on her abdomen area.*

Will I lose weight after a lymphatic massage?

Lymphatic massage does not directly help to lose weight. However, if you are already on a weight loss program and are losing fat tissue, it is possible that lymphatic massage will help you lose the fat faster. Lymphatic massage can also reduce inflammation in the body and increase blood flow – both of which contribute to feeling more energetic and alert. This increased energy may lead you to be more active, which can further increase your metabolism and burn calories!

If I take antibiotics, should I also go for a lymphatic massage?

If you are taking antibiotics, it’s a good idea to wait at least 3 hours after taking the medication before receiving a lymphatic massage. In some cases, your doctor may recommend waiting longer than that.

If you decide to go ahead with getting a lymphatic massage anyway, be sure to tell your therapist that you’ve recently taken antibiotics.

Lymphatic Massage is known to help with many ailments, but it’s important to understand what you can expect when going for one.

Many people know about the benefits of lymphatic massage, but it’s important to understand what you can expect when going for one.

Lymphatic massage is a great way to help the body heal itself, as well as treat many ailments. People who go for regular massages report feeling more relaxed and less stressed than those who don’t get them regularly. They also find themselves with better posture and less back pain.

However, it’s important to remember that there are certain things you should do before your appointment:

  • Drink plenty of water before the appointment – this will help loosen up any toxins in your system so they can be easily removed by your masseuse during their work
  • Take off any jewelry or clothing that may cause discomfort while being worked on (especially around areas like shoulders)


Lymphatic massage is great for your health, and we hope this article has helped you better understand what it can do. For more information on lymphatic massage, contact us today.