7 Best Practices For A Successful Facebook Post


Facebook is the world’s largest social network, so it’s important for your business to be on it. There are many ways to use Facebook, but one of the most effective is posting content that engages your audience and reaches new people. To do this right requires some thought, planning and effort beyond just clicking “Post”. You need a plan! And that’s where I come in. In this article we’ll go over seven easy-to-follow best practices for creating successful Facebook posts that will boost your engagement rates while keeping your fans happy:

Choose the right image.

The image you choose to accompany your post is the first thing that people see, so it’s important to make it count. This means choosing an image that:

  • Is relevant to your post
  • Is visually appealing and fits with the tone of your brand or campaign
  • Is large enough for consumers to see clearly

Write a great headline.

The headline is an opportunity to be clever and grab your audience’s attention. It should also reflect the content of the post and be relevant to your audience. For example, if you’re writing a post about how to make a delicious risotto with risotto rice, don’t use something like “How to Make Risotto: One Top Chef Shares His Secret Recipe.” Instead try something like “Risotto Tips That Will Have You Cooking Like A Chef In No Time”. Social media management is very important in highlighting your product/services in all platforms.

Obviously, how you write your headlines will depend on your business and the kinds of things you do on Facebook. But by following these best practices (and creating great content), you’ll increase engagement on all of your posts—which should help drive more traffic back to your website or landing page.

Write a longer post that’s well-spaced.

When writing a Facebook post, you should use a white background and large font size. Keep in mind that the average human eye is about 9 inches from a screen; for Facebook, this translates to about 100 pixels tall. In addition to having a big font size, you should have sufficient spacing between lines of text so that it’s easy for readers to read without getting distracted by other elements such as photos or ads at the top of the page.

Facebook recommends using Arial or Helvetica fonts in your posts because they are easily readable on devices with different screen sizes, but these aren’t your only options! You can customize your posts even more by using fonts like Open Sans or Roboto Slab (which are both free) if you want them to look more personal than standard serif and sans-serif options — they’ll set your brand apart from others who may be posting similar content elsewhere online without realizing how much attention they’re paying towards their visual identity when making decisions like this one!

The ideal way we’ve found success here within our own company is by taking advantage of customizations made available through third party apps like Canva (which offers free access through its mobile app). If no such tool exists yet then consider outsourcing some work–there’s nothing wrong with asking someone else if they’d be willing have an expert review something first before sharing publicly–this allows us time too focus on other important tasks associated with running daily operations.”

Include a call to action.

It’s important to include a call to action in your post. A call to action is a statement or question that encourages the reader to do something, such as “like” or “comment” on your post. For example:

  • “Tell us why you love these shoes!”
  • “Share this post with three friends.”

Add your own editorial comments in brackets, at the top of the post.

  • Add your own editorial comments in brackets, at the top of the post.
  • Use them to add context or links.
  • Use them to add a quote or an example.
  • Use them to add a question (in bold), with an implied answer beneath it (in italics).
  • List some links that are related to this article, and explain why they’re connected (in bold).

If you follow these rules your Facebook posts will be much more valuable.

Now that we’ve covered what makes for a successful Facebook post, it’s time to discuss how you can measure the value of a Facebook post. If you follow these rules your Facebook posts will be much more valuable.

  • Use compelling images
  • Write short paragraphs with clear messaging
  • Include links in the body of your text


Following these rules will help you find to create better Facebook posts that get more engagement.