Surfing is Great Sport to Play

Surf contest is a sport which we have to play on surface of water. Water is not like in swimming pool or in a river but in a sea. A surfer is generally known as wave rider. He just ride on the waves and generally rides on the upcoming wave which is towards the rider. Waves suitable for rider are found in sea. You can ride also in river and lakes but that is totally different from sea surfing. You have to put your more effort rather than sea riding. Riders can also make use of man made waves and waves from artificial wave pools. Surfing means to act with riding wave. In past surfers don’t use the board or any other object for riding them, generally uses their feet, knees, bellies. Nowadays stand up surfing is more in trend people likes to surf with an object they just put it in their feet and flow in to the ocean. Surfing refers to ride a wave standing up on a surfboard. There are several other ways to surf like paddle boarding and body boarding. They all the variety of stand up boarding.
Body Boarding- In this type of boarding surfer generally uses his body parts to surf like feet, bellies, upper body. He or she tries to ride on wave with the use of body part. The wave is surfed without an object and surfer uses his or her own body to catch and ride the wave. It is very common way to surf and pure methodology. A rider who wants to learn how to surf then he or she starts with the body surfing.
Paddle boarding- in this type of surfing surfer generally uses their arms while lying on a board. This is a traditional pattern of surfing. It is usually performed in open sea. A good paddle surfer can surf from one corner of the sea to an island easily in one stroke. There are two type of boards are available one is stock board and other is unlimited board. Stock board has maximum length of 12 feet and unlimited board has no restriction with length it depends on surfer.
To be a great surfer you have to be a total fit surfer because it needs good physic for riding. It needs better understanding of waves. You have to feel the ocean waves. Then after you will ride like a champion and people who are watching you say wow I want to be like this rider look at that person he is flowing with the waves. And even if you think that you are not in shape or you need training to be a good surfer then don’t waste your time on thinking how it is possible? Just join the surfing fitness program they will make you the best rider among your friends. Then people will say for you that look at that person he is amazing, magnetic.
Surfing is the sport which can be play by any person means age doesn’t matter for this act. It will give you better fitness and better health. By regular practice you will find yourself fit and enthusiastic, more energetic. You feel strength in core, back, shoulders and legs. To achieve this purpose you should to start the training from an institute and be a great surfer. By surfing your muscles will be more powerful; you feel strength in your body. It’s a great way to spend your free time rather than spending it in a club or disco or some sought of long drive. You feel freshness after surfing in ocean just more than swimming. You can use any kind of paddle method that will help you to be the best rider. Whether you can choose arm paddling, kick paddling or combination of kick and arm paddling. Surfing is a free sport and most creative activity. You just start it and feel the difference in your body day by day. Its incredible.