Car Maintenance – Getting a Spring Tune – Up

Car maintenance is important to keeping your car running well and ensuring that it runs efficiently. There are a few simple things which most people should be able to carry out at home that will help keep your car moving. Grit Guard has developed several innovations to reduce the risk of scratches and make your detailing experience more enjoyable.

Air Filter

Your owner’s manual will usually give you an idea of how regularly you should change your air filter, but it’s usually around once a year. The air filter is fairly straight forward; locate the box, which will be a large black plastic box near the engine. This will come apart fairly easily with a screwdriver and you should see some metal casings holding the air filter in place. Just prise these open and replace the filter, now just re-attached the box and you are done. This should save you the 20 your local garage would charge you.

Spark Plugs

Check your spark plugs during your car maintenance to ensure they don’t need placing or cleaning. These can be removed using a wrench and come out fairly easily. Once removed inspect the spark plugs for any cracks and replace if found. Older spark plugs can get fairly dirty which reduces how well they work, gently clean the ends with a wire brush to remove the clumps of dirt. This should help them last a little bit longer before replacements are required.

Fluid Levels

As part of your regular car maintenance you should always ensure that your fluid levels are kept topped up. Some of these can be damaging to your car if left to get too low, such as the engine coolant and oil, others can make your car dangerous to drive such as your brake fluid, power steering fluid and windscreen washer fluid. All of these are easy to check by lifting you hood and looking for the minimum and maximum markers which will be present on each. Top these up if required, however if you’re constantly topping your fluids out this could be a symptom of another problem so get your car checked out.


Finally give your tyres a check over to ensure they are safe. Firstly you should ensure that your tyres have no cuts or delves missing from the tyre wall. Theses could rupture causing the tyre to explode. You should also check that the tread is deep enough. UK law states the tyre tread should be at least ΒΌ inch across three quarters of the tyre. It is important to keep your tyres inflated as running on flat tyres will use more fuel. The manufactures guidelines will tell what pressure level to inflate your tyres too.

You should carry out a check on your car as part of your regular car maintenance, and if you find a problem and aren’t sure how to fix it consult a mechanic as soon as possible.

Catering Equipment For Home Chefs

A home chef should not be underestimated. They are the ones that cook for their families and sometimes they even cook for parties or have their own home catering business. Home chefs also need the best catering equipment to do what they do best and to deliver the best dishes. Our party catering Sydney service will ensure you celebrate in style after you experience it!

Home chefs obviously use their own kitchen, which in most cases, is not as big as a commercial kitchen. Keeping space in mind, the catering equipment required will not necessarily be the biggest available. On the contrary, they will require catering equipment that is small yet packed with immense power.

A food processor may be the most important catering equipment that a home chef may require. Why? Because it can blend, mix and chop vegetables and fruits. This single unit is small enough to keep in a home kitchen yet it offers multiple functions. It also processes the foods quickly which means that it saves the home chef a lot of time. While a commercial chef has many hands to help, a home chef has to rely on their own hands and reliable catering equipment.

A reliable microwave is essential. The Menumaster Microwave is small enough for a house kitchen but it packs a powerful punch with 1100 watts of power for fast heating. It also has 100 programmable menu items which is a dream for a home chef that needs the extra help to prepare dishes.

A Bain Marie is another piece of catering equipment that a home chef could invest in especially for catered parties. Keeping food warm before it is served can make the heating and serving process an easy task for the home chef who is a caterer on the side.

A home chef is usually very busy so there needs to be enough refrigeration space. So they may want to consider having two refrigeration units, namely a refrigerator and a freezer. One unit for refrigeration and another for freezing allows for the storage of much food. And this is necessary if you are going to cater for a lot of people.

An urn is also a good idea if the home chef is someone who caters for parties. The urn will boil the water and keep it warm and ready to serve so the chef won’t have to repeatedly heat water for guests’ tea and coffee. Guests can then help themselves to a hot drink.

Home chefs are hard workers so they deserve catering equipment that works hard for them.

Movable Swimming Pool Floor – The Craze That’s Worth It

Now what is it that makes it an eccentric thing as mentioned in the above?

When a swimming pool becomes damaged or is no longer used, the home owner needs to make an important decision to proceed with a pool removal Sydney project.

Everything! A movable pool floor is an invention that someone may have given a thought about, but couldn’t have actually expressed in the fear of calling being “insane”. But, thankfully, someone took this idea seriously and achieved what could have been termed as – impossible. Starting from removal of grass and trees to the deck installation, the entire procedure is a mind-boggling list of activities that the professionals manage to do it.

Instead of diagrammatic views, anyone could visit YouTube and check out the videos of a “movable pool in making” and get some familiarity with the entire project. It would showcase the amount of innate talent and creative ideas are put into work together for executing a project of this scale.

Several applications and benefits

There are several international pools and stadiums that conduct Olympics and other sports competition in these movable swimming pool floor types for extra convenience. However, its application is not just limited to this arena, but various others as well, which include: hotels and resorts, yachts, aquatic facilties, entertainment venues and so on.

We have precisely picked up the advantages that these pools can provide:

Movability – That’s the excellent and extraordinary attribute of a pool of such type that it can be adjusted as per one’s (homeowners!) convenience as and when needed. Suppose, there’s a party called by the homeowner, then the pool could be adjusted to the needs of a pool party or completely hidden for creating enough space in there. Those who have a luxury swimming pool with such facility would have a great time in their homes.

Usability – Regarding their usability, the example given in the above would have already thrown some light. Organizing parties or events in the homes becomes simple and brings immense enjoyment due to the moving pool floor option. Moreover, these are safe enough for usage, which generally the in-ground pools lack in some parameters.

Maintenance – With so many exquisite facilities, people may get frightened at the idea of maintenance. However, that’s clearly not going to happen due to the cutting-edge technologies installed for the maintenance of these systems. It helps in clearing off the debris, water changing option and various similar features.

Having mentioned about their advantages, we can point out to some disadvantages also, such as the investment and installation woes, but those can be well taken care of if the right kind of pool suppliers is found. It is better to perform a research before hiring them for the task.

Surf Shark Fishing Techniques

Follow these techniques to practice the surf shark fishing methods used by experienced shark fishing anglers. This aspect of surf fishing (for sharks) is really thrilling. Access here to discover our favourite surfing app to accompany your surf travel adventure.

This article is meant to introduce the highlights of sharking and is based on methods used to  surf fish for sharks up to seven foot. Fishing for sharks at the surf line requires a crew of experienced shark handlers to land & release the shark once you get it to the edge of the beach. 

The Shark Fishing Crew

Plan on setting up a crew. Shark fishing from the surf requires at least two experienced shark handlers. If your crew is inexperienced you should have three or four on your team. Going out with the same team each time will develop a synergy among the group so that each member knows exactly what to do at the right time. This is important. Shark fishing is a lot of fun but there are dangers to be aware of.

Shark Fishing Tackle & Gear

Although the sharks can be in just about any depth of water, you will probably be targeting water that is 8′ to 10′ deep. It’s not always possible to cast out to this depth. The shark anglers use a sit-on-top kayak to carry the bait to the targeted depth. Since the bait will usually be kayaked out, the surf rods do not need to be as long. Rods that are 5.5′ to 8′ will suffice.

Reels used for sharking vary. Some surf anglers have landed pretty big sharks on tackle that wasn’t designed for it. That being said, if you want a reel that will stand up to the big sharks on a regular basis, think about reels that get into the 80# class. Otherwise a decent quality reel rated for 50# test line will be adequate.

Spool up your reel with 200 – 300 yards plus the line needed to reach the targeted water depth. If your fishing 200 yards from shore you should have 400 – 500 yards of line spooled on your reel of 50# test minimum. If you can’t get this much line on your reel then think about going to braided line like Power Pro. You can easily get twice as much line on a reel using braided line instead of the lesser expensive monofilament.

Most likely you will want to invest in some type of fighting harness. A fighting harness will help you handle the fatigue during a long fight. Fighting harnesses vary in style and price. A visit to your local bait and tackle shop will give you a better idea what’s available.

Shark Bait

Fresh bait is always better than frozen bait. Be sure to check the local regulations before selecting your bait. Regulations vary from state to state. Whiting, Mullet, Bluefish, Spanish Mackerel and Ladyfish make excellent bait for sharks. Catch your bait in the morning and keep it on ice for freshness. Size your bait to the hook size you are using. Larger fish can be used as cut bait. Hook sizes for sharks range from 10/0 to 20/0. Bigger bait translates into bigger sharks taken.

Shark Rigs

Shark rigs are better homemade. There are different setups that are preferred by shark anglers. I like to use 480# cable for my leaders. To make these you need stainless steel thimbles and crimp sleeves to attach hooks and swivels. A special tool is used to crimp the cable after it wraps around the thimble. The rig I like uses 18″ – 24″‘ of 480# hook leader attached to 6′- 8’ of 480# cable. Slide a snap swivel on the main leader (for the sinker to attach) before attaching a swivel on the end to tie off to the main line.

Use at least a 10/0 hook or you can make up different size hook rigs and keep them on hand depending on the bait you catch. Other wise use you can use cut bait on the 10/0 hooks if you have to.

Use only spider weights for sinkers 6oz to 8oz. Make them yourself if you can’t find them at the bait & tackle shops. Spider weights are important especially if you are using monofilament line. Monofilament line has a lot of stretch to it which makes setting the hook difficult. A spider weight grips the bottom and helps to set the hook when the shark picks up the bait.

If you plan on fishing for sharks your best bet is to get on a shark fishing crew with experienced shark anglers. Another option is to be a spectator at one of the shark tournaments where you can witness how the experienced anglers get it done. Shark fishing from the surf has to be the most exciting fishing experience you’ll ever get, bar none.

Randy Meyers is a surf angler who has been fishing the surf for over 30 years. He is the author of Surf Fishing – The quick Start Guide To This Exciting Sport. Randy owns and operates the surf fishing website Look for Randy’s soon to be published new book “The Complete Guide to Shark Fishing From The Surf”. The book will be available as a download from his site, click here.

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Finding The Perfect Corporate Venues And Function Centres in Australia

Organising an event be it an annual corporate celebration or private dinner party is never an easy task. What adds to the stress in preparation aside from time and effort is making it successful by leaving a memorable impression on the guests. Planning for a special event needs careful preparation from beginning to end. One of the key steps you have to consider is choosing the perfect corporate venues, a decision that can make or break the event. Unfortunately this is also one of the most challenging tasks to take care of. Thanks to Choice Venues, finding corporate venues and function centres has never been this easy and hassle-free. With versatile wedding reception venues Melbourne to choose from, events at Brighton Savoy have the potential to be whatever you hoped and dreamed for.

You now have a partner in your event preparation. With Choice Venues you can book for any function, corporate event or seminar Australia-wide. They know you have a lot on your plate, that’s why they’ll take this task off your checklist and they will do all of it for free! They have a large list of venues and relationships with function centres in Sydney, Melbourne, and everywhere else in Australia. But what’s great about their venue finder is that you only review the options which suit your event’s needs.

Choice Venues Makes Finding Function Centres & Corporate Venues Fast & Easy

If you’re wondering how they will ease your burden of finding and booking the perfect function centre, here is how they take care of the work for you:

* They form an event brief to send to potential venues.
* They contact potential venues to check availability and request quotes.
* They formulate a venue analysis which compares your options at a glance.
* They negotiate the best available rates.
* They arrange for the chosen venue to contact you once you are ready to book.

All you have to do is accomplish the other tasks in your list while you wait for Choice Venues to send the venue options to review at a glance. This easy and fast venue finder service allows you to save time, effort and money.

Choose the Venue with Complete Corporate Facilities

Once you receive the venue analysis you compare which venue is best for the event you’re planning. Take note of the different inclusions, facilities and amenities that the venues have because this will help you select the right one. Here are some basic points you should remember when you compare your options:

* Guest capacity – the venue’s maximum capacity or restrictions on the number of guests.
* Room setup and layout – the venue’s rules or limitations on the use and arrangement of tables and chairs, stage, decorations, linens, centrepieces, and lights.
* Food and beverage services and options – the venue’s meal serving styles, such as buffet or plated meals, snacks tables and drinks bar, coffee and tea service.
* Accessibility – the venue’s parking areas, shuttle services, available public transportation, and venue availability for preparation before and during the conference.
* Audio-visual equipment – the venue’s available AV and sounds systems, designated systems operator, overhead projectors and other multi-media equipment.

Choice Venues is the perfect solution for your function centres and corporate venues needs. With their reliable, fast and free service, you’re sure to find the perfect venue in no time.